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Medical Office Financing

Medical Office Financing

Project Description

By recognizing needs for medical office businesses, we have developed emergency business financial solutions to support the expenses of medical offices. Often a doctor requires financing with short term notice. In this scenario, the business may not have the time to wade through the various obstacles in order to obtain financing. Our solutions help businesses in a time crunch when they need it most.

Applying For Medical Office Financing

Less paperwork and a shorter approval process is one of the many advantages we offer businesses in need of funding. A simplified application process saves time for businesses, and allows us to fund them faster.

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We provide funding for small and medium businesses in all industries nationwide with at least 6 months operating history and of minimum $15K in revenue per month. You can also call us at 1-888-958-3781.

Business Information

  • Company name*

  • Phone*

  • Address

  • City*/State*/Zip

  • Type of business*

  • Time in business*

  • Website*

Personal Information

  • Name*

  • Email*

  • How did you find us?

  • Amount requested

  • Reason for financing

  • Additional comments

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