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Healthcare Business

Healthcare Business Financing

Project Description

Healthcare Business Financing

You may be able to help one of your clients feel better, but what can be done if you’re business isn’t feeling too well? A merchant cash advance from Oxford Funding Source can have you on your way toward making the investments that your business needs to get back on its feet. The alternative financing options that we have available to you are not loans and can get you the cash that you need, without all of the hurdles that may get in your way while trying to obtain a traditional loan. Our financial specialists have worked with business owners in the home healthcare field and have helped them get money to go towards their payroll, training, advertising, office space related expenses, and even to purchase or repair medical equipment.


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We provide funding for small and medium businesses in all industries nationwide with at least 6 months operating history and of minimum $15K in revenue per month. You can also call us at 1-888-958-3781.

Business Information

  • Company name*

  • Phone*

  • Address

  • City*/State*/Zip

  • Type of business*

  • Time in business*

  • Website*

Personal Information

  • Name*

  • Email*

  • How did you find us?

  • Amount requested

  • Reason for financing

  • Additional comments

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